I want to become a society lady Rockin' a new rock?!

So there are those of you that will think I’m so passe for posting about this site. And that’s because you already love it and use it. But then there are those of you that will be so incredibly thankful for this post because you don’t already know about it. So to the latter, get ready. I’m about to change your life.

Meet Image Spark. She’s a hot new website that allows you to very conveniently create an account, save images from either the community of other Image Spark users or from your regular online travels (with a Firefox plug-in). You can create mood boards, and organize your photos with custom tags. But the best part is that Image Spark SAVES THE SOURCE that you found your photo from. So for bloggers that are obligated to ALWAYS provide sources, Image Spark makes the process incredibly easy. This site is what I’ve been waiting for my entire life. Well…at least since I started blogging. You must go check it out. To see my favorite images, so far check out my Grey Likes Image Spark library here. This is such a great way to save all your inspiration, for either home makeovers, DIY projects, party or shower planning and OF COURSE your wedding.

In the meantime, here’s a romantic little mood board I created using Image Spark. Sources below. Oh…and I must be sure to thank my friend Kayla for introducing me to Image Spark. I am forever changed!

Left to right, top to bottom: 1. Image Spark, Unknown 2. Traveling Host 3. via 100 Layer Cake 4. ffffound 5. My Sweet Savannah