I want to become a society lady Rockin' a new rock?!

Y’all… I love the south. I would also LOVE to be able to say y’all on a regular basis without sounding like a poser, but alas, I’m a California girl that sounds absolutely ridiculous trying to say “Chawwwl-stun” (Charleston) with a southern lilt. I just can’t do it…try as I might. But I’ve had a fabulous time out here. Our photo shoot went really great yesterday, as we spent the entire day chasing around locations and good light. We were up at 4am and went until after sunset. It was a spectacular day and I’m really excited about seeing our images!

Today, I’m bringing you some goodies from Postcards and Pretties, one of my favorite inspirational blogs. I think her inspiration board, “Here Comes the Summer” is perfect for today 1) because I can’t get enough of this palette and 2) because I’ll be up heading to the airport at 4am. AGAIN. So I thought I’d send y’all (I’m trying not to make a habit of it…I swear) on over to a fellow inspiration finder, Postcards and Pretties for a little summertime snack (and image credits)!