I’m a huge fan of the terrarium. The succulent terrarium, which takes almost NO work, is totally great. In fact, Lindsay over at M.Stetson Design has a lovely little DIY (do it yourself) how-to guideĀ here.
I have a couple of super cute vessels that have lids, which creates a micro-ecosystem for plants…their moisture recycles and you don’t have to do any watering. After checking out Lindsay’s project, I decided to make my own terrarium. HOWEVER, I learned that succulents plus lots of moisture (because I put a lid on my terrarium) equals a gooey death by H2O. Succulents don’t like too much water, so if you have apothecary jars and you’d like to do a similar project, moss is a great alternative. And if you are NOT a DIY-er, Made by Mavis sells some completed terrariums here. Love. These. They would be a great option for decor for a shower or wedding.